What is MQTT protocol & its use
So let' start journey towards gets basics about MQTT. Before understanding MQTT, we should know what basically is publish/subscribe design pattern. The publish/subscribe pattern (also known as pub/sub ) provides an alternative to traditional client-server architecture. In the client-sever model , a client communicates directly with an endpoint. The pub/sub model decouples the client that sends a message (the publisher) from the client or clients that receive the messages (the subscribers). The publishers and subscribers never contact each other directly. In fact, they are not even aware that the other exists. The connection between them is handled by a third component (the Broker - eg https://mosquitto.org ). The job of the Broker is to filter all incoming messages and distribute them correctly to subscribers. Now coming back to MQTT - MQTT is a Client Server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol. Being a light weight, open, simple pro...